Monday, November 5, 2012

Answered Prayer

Before Brad died, I was very faithful about writing in my prayer journal. I'm ashamed to say that I failed to continue this important practice when Brad was called Home. There is a website that would send me email and/or text reminders to pray for things I had written about in my journal. I am writing about it to share this amazing prayer I ran across, but also, to hopefully keep me accountable to continue journaling my prayers. Prayer is such a powerful thing…I know I would not have been able to be as strong as I have been without God, but also the prayers of others. Here is an entry I ran across a few weeks ago, but found again this morning. I just felt the need to share it. I found this under the journal chapter of "Brad's Job." Brad was very unhappy in his job, and was looking for another one. Look at the date, then I italicized a few of the words for emphasis....

04/14/10 - Lord, I again ask you to move Your hand in this situation. I hope that Brad and I have shown patience, but I am becoming weary in this situation.  
Brad is so unhappy, I just ask that You send him the right job, or that his circumstances would be changed to give him a peace. I am grateful for all You've done. We would not change a thing, but we are both weary of this situation. Please show us Your presence. 
Not exactly the answer I was looking for, but it definitely was an answer! God knew that the only way Brad could have a peace in the situation was to call him Home. While it is still hard to believe sometimes, and it is still VERY painful and difficult at times, I still have a peace that God gave me that Saturday night. This is part of His amazing plan…one I don't have all the pieces to, but one I am certain He has orchestrated. I've said this repeatedly: God is not a God of chaos. He did not randomly decide to call Brad Home that day. He knew before we were even formed that Brad was to leave this earth where and when and how he did. Our simple human minds just cannot grasp how infinite the love of God is for us, and how He wants to use us in this corrupt world. I am challenged every day to do what God has called me to do….but little reminders like this, and a few God winks yesterday, I press on towards the goal. (I'll write more about yesterday's amazing circumstances later…)

God is always faithful. My life has changed. My God has not.

Blessings to all~

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