"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13
This verse has become our "family" verse. We all find great comfort in it. I found out yesterday about yet another young woman who was widowed with young children. This makes SIX young widows I have crossed paths with this past 19 months. These are women who I've met personally or who are friends of friends/family. Increase that number by at least 4 the women I know personally who have lost their husbands, but their children are grown. All of these women have experienced one of the most difficult things in life. (I say 'one' of the most difficult things, as I've also met others who have lost a child….something I can't even begin to identify with.) This is where the above verse comes in.
When Brad died, God stepped in and did some amazing things. When I look back over those first few days, God was literally holding me up. I was in shock, yet I was making decisions regarding funeral arragements, planning a memorial service, caring for a child with a stomach virus, listening as tornado sirens were blaring continually, talking to the organ donor representative and having a house full of people. You CAN do anything through Christ, because He WILL give you a strength to take on whatever challenge you may face. When I tell my story to others, as I recount those first dark days, I marvel at how God carried me through. I remember people telling me "you are so strong." I was quick to reply that I am only as strong as God makes me. It truly is a strength that comes only from God.
If you were to have told me on that Friday before, that the next day Brad would collapse and die from a heart attack, I would've been a heap on the floor. This goes back to that verse in Ecclesiastes…"he's left us in the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he's coming or going…" He is in control, and if we knew what He had planned - can you imagine what kind of chaos that would bring? God is not a God of chaos. He has planned everything. Jeremiah 1:5 states "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that's what I had in mind for you."
I was blessed with a peace the night Brad died. I knew in my heart that it was part of God's plan, and I knew in my heart I would use it to God's glory. Thinking back to the last couple of years of Brad's life, I saw God preparing him. Every morning, he would be up first thing, reading his Bible. I had no idea at the time that God was preparing him for Heaven, but I recognize it as a gift that God gave me: the gift of a husband that was a man after God's own heart.
This is why I feel it is a time to write. Let me be quick to add: I DO NOT LIKE IT! I wish that I was not having to write about this experience. But there are so many hurting people. Death, illness, hardships….no one is immune. I feel this is part of my purpose, to help give encouragement. To show others that the unimaginable circumstances can be faced - and dealt with. Trust God. Spend time with Him. He is in control, and He will give you the strength to get through whatever trial you are in.
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